The College Library functions as the General Library and Departmental Libraries. The General Library has the Stack Room , Computer Area and the Reading Room. The College Library has a good collection of about 6524books. The General Library subscribes 20 Periodicals and 5 Newspapers. The Library has a special collection of books for NET Exams on all subjects.
- INTERNET browsing facility for Staff and Students
- Previous University question papers for reference
- Student can access Library Card of 1and staff member can access 3 cards for availing books from the college library.
- The College Library consists of the General and Departmental Libraries.
- More than 5 News Papers and 20 Periodicals are available in the Reading Room.
- The library remains open from 9.40 AM to 3.40 PM. on all working days.
- Students are admitted in the Library and Reading Room on production of Identity Cards.
- Books taken out by staff / students shall not be retained for more than a fortnight (15) days from the date of issue.
- Failure to return a book on the due date makes the staff / student liable to a fine of Rs.5 per day.
- Borrowers are responsible for the loss or damage to books taken by them. The marking of books in ink or with pencil, spoiling or injury to binding, underling of passages, writing of remarks, etc on the leaves of the books or on illustrations, tearing off pages, pictures, etc. will be held to be serious charges.
- Sub-Lending of books is not allowed
- Students must clear their dues before they receive their hall tickets for the University Examinations at the termination of their academic course or before they receive their Transfer Certificate, if they leave before the completion of their academic course.
- All books taken by the Teaching, Non-Teaching and Students are to be returned in time for Annual Stock Verification. All books are to be returned if a member of staff takes leave for more than a month / Transfer to another College.
- In all matters regarding the library the decision of the principal shall be final.
- Complaints and suggestions related to services from the Library shall be given in writing to the Principal.